"Hello and Namaste"

I might not have stars and planets here, but this is still my universe!

Friday, November 27, 2015


Like any other Saturday night,
she knew that her husband would come back home drunk
she knew that her husband would forget bringing her the medicines she needed.
she knew after hours of fight
he would convince her somehow
then fuck her 
till he could fuck no more.
His mouth would be stinking like a devil's trashcan
but yet she would have no other choice than to kiss him and pretend that she felt good,
even though she didn't.
Like any other Saturday night,
he did come home late.
like any other Saturday night
he was drunk as hell. 
She heard him saying shit and other stuffs about her.
she ran to get the door
because she knew he would beat the shit out of her
if he had to knock and keep waiting outside for the door to open.
When she opened the door,
there he was
the man claimed to be her husband
shaking like the Eiffel tower from an earthquake
She knew he'd been with another woman
she could smell the scent of perfume that wasn't his.
And yet,
she smiled.
her husband went straight to the bedroom
she followed him quietly.
she knew her husband was hungry and thirsty too
but his hunger wasn't gonna disappear from the dinner she'd served downstairs
his thirst wasn't gonna disappear from the bottle of water she'd kept beside the bed.
He wanted her
though she'd been ill for quite some days now.
he wanted her 
even though she couldn't sustain the pain of his so called manhood piercing her.
She let him have her.
She stayed motionless,
tears rolling down from her eyes 
her heart bleeding
she didn't say a word
she cried silent tears.
All she thought about was her three years old daughter sleeping peacefully
all she thought about was taking the medicines she was supposed to 
all she thought about was its been three days since the last dose of her medicine was finished
all she thought about was how her husband never really thought about it.
she kept thinking 
he kept piercing her.
She let a huge scream out her mouth
and then there was complete silent again
her husband fell asleep right beside her.
her scream woke her daughter up
her daughter kept crying 
she was just 3
She woke up and she was hungry
She kept crying 
her mother didn't hear
she finally managed to crawl to her mother
she sucked the nipple of her mother that her father left exposed
it was cold
she sucked the nipple maybe for a minute or two
but yet it felt to her like eternity
she kept sucking the nipple of her dead mother
but nothing happened
her mother was already as far as she could ever be
her mother was dead and in an hour so was she.

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