It doesn't snow here,
but what does it cost to imagine?.
I sit down on my chair
with a novel in front of me
a cup of hot black coffee
and my eyes staring out the window
to the white wonderland.
Yes, i do wanna complete the novel
but at the same time i don't wanna finish it.
I do wanna drink that cup of coffee
but it won't keep me warm for much long
and I'm too lazy to get up and make myself another cup.
December got me on my power saving mode.
I think i shall read this novel some other day.
The outside world seems more amazing
more beautiful
more wonderful than the world, these pages hold.
I'm gonna go take a walk,
into the world of fantasy.
Its too cold outside
I'm gonna need a warm jacket
a pair of gloves
a hat
and a pair of socks.
Aah, now it feels warm and cozy.
Oh! i almost forgot about that coffee i had
A quick sip from the cup and I'm good to go.
As i step out from the door
the first thing i see is snow
and as far as my eyes can gaze into the thick foggy mist
all i see is heaps of whites getting blur as the distance increases.
There's snow everywhere.
The snow doesn't feel cold though,
well it does freeze my fingers the moment i touch it
it does make me shiver
but deep inside
there is a warmth
i feel as if i have the sun right inside my heart
radiating the heat
keeping me warm
and making me able to withstand the cold.
I always thought that way,
i have a sun in my heart.
A sun hot enough to keep me warm,
but yet not too hot to burn me.
Embraced by the warmth of this sun
i walk ahead
into the world of snow.
With every steps i take
i smile a little more.
With every distance i cover
the snow feels a less colder.
I feel as if i was moving towards the warmth that a certain someone radiated.
I keep walking
and walking
and walking until i reach this sun.
And when my feet stop
and i lift my head up too look
I see the sun right in front of my eyes,
this sun is bright enough to amaze me
brighter than that big ball of fire floating in the sky
yet gentle enough not to blind me.
This sun isn't a big ball of fire
but something that lived, existed and was a living being .
And as i slowly turn my eyes to get a look of this sun,
I see it different.
This sun wouldn't burn me even if i hugged,
And i do so.
And then I'm walking again
but this time, not alone.
but with the sun.
And it tells me, "the snow looks beautiful, doesn't it ? "
I have no answer 'cause i was looking at something a billion times more beautiful.
i was just looking at it.
i don't know what i was supposed to answer.
All i say is .
It doesn't snow here, right?
but what does it cost to imagine? :)